Find Your Brother
Little Red Rabbit Hood
Bomb Escape
"Bomb Escape" is a game that Raymond Liu
made in which there are bombs that are hidden from view that you can't touch. The player is
only able to see bombs that are 4 paces away. The player moves the turtle around trying to
not run into a bomb, which would end the game.
The goal is to touch the flag to move on to the
next level. The player wins by getting beating all 4 levels.
You can play yourself by running this file in Pycharm.
Move the turtle north, south, east and west by entering the characters "wasd" in the console.
Crimson Valley
"Crimson Valley", created by Justin Lee, is the blueprint of a full blown 1990's style role-playing game complete
with storyline, top down camera, battle system, and cut scenes which ended up being 3000 lines of code long.
The end result is an impressive game that leaves the player wishing Justin had spent more time developing the intricate story.
You can play yourself by pasting the source code into Interactive Python.
Follow the prompts for instructions on how to play.