Criteria |
Points |
Yes/No |
Prints out a welcome message, asks for the user's credentials, verifies the credentials. |
2 |
Prints out a menu(personal/business) and prompts for the user's choice(deposit/withdraw/balance/exit). |
2 |
Has a "BranchBank" and "Client" class. |
4 |
Client has a method "deposit" that adds money to an account. |
2 |
Client has a method "withdrawal" that subtracts money from an account. |
4 |
Client has a method "balance" that prints out the account balance. |
2 |
Has a "CorporateOffice" class. |
2 |
CorporateOffice has a toString method that runs the toString of the BranchBanking objects in it's arrayList. |
3 |
CorporateOffice has a method "getPersonalInfo" that runs the "getPersonalInfo" of the BranchBanking objects in it's arrayList. |
3 |
CorporateOffice has a method "getBusinessInfo" that runs the "getBusinessInfo" of the BranchBanking objects in it's arrayList. |
3 |
CorporateOffice has a method "checkProfit" that runs the "getAllMonies" of the BranchBanking objects in it's arrayList. |
4 |
CorporateOffice has a method "checkPersonalProfit" that runs the "getPersonalMonies" of the BranchBanking objects in it's arrayList. |
4 |
CorporateOffice has a method "checkBusinessProfit" that runs the "getBusinessMonies" of the BranchBanking objects in it's arrayList. |
4 |
Total: |
39 |