A list of expectations
Criteria Points Yes/No
The Basics
Your application uses conditional statements to allow decision-making. 5
Your application uses loops to repeat blocks of code. 5
Your application uses functions that take in arguments and return values. 5
Your application includes shape objects. 5
Your application uses timer methods to repeatedly execute functions. 10
The Presentation
Has a background image for the intro and outro. 5
Uses images for the sprites. 10
Has a background image for the intro and outro. 5
Uses sound files. 10
The Design
Allows the user to control shapes using the computer inputs. 10
Keeps track of a score. 10
Allows two players to play at the same time. 10
Has at least 3 levels. 10
The Structure
Has a beginning screen. 10
Has a losing screen. 10
Has a win screen. 10
Total: 100