A list of expectations
Criteria Points Yes/No
Snake starts with 4 blocks. 5
When game starts, red block appears in a random location. 10
A new red block appears after the previous has been eaten. 5
Snake grows by 1 block after colliding with a Red block. 5
Ends game when the Snake crashes into it's tail. 20
When Snake touches walls, game ends. 10
The Finer Points
Snake cannot move in an opposite direction. Snake traveling west cannot move east, or traveling north then move south. 5
Game stops and prints "You Lose" when you crash. 10
Game ends when the screen is half full of Snake. 10
Game stops and prints "You Win At Everything" when you win. 10
Extra Credit
Create a beginning/ending screens. 1
Create animations for the beginning/ending screens. 2
Move slower as Snake grows. 1
Total: 100