We know how to code applications in the Java environment. We have experience with every concept
covered in the APCS subset. Now it's time to review all the intricacies of the Java language.
We will start with a quality resource found at Runestone and if you have time, run through the
AP Exam prep material found on CodeHS.
Let's start our preparation with a set of problems that we skipped over on our journey through Java. These types of
questions are close to impossible without a good read through Barron's chapter 5,
along with a proper chewing and digestion as we work our way through some example problems.
Let's get started patching up the final chink in our armor as we prepare for battle.
Let's get started patching up the final chink in our armor as we prepare for battle.
Here we have a set of problems that deal with variable declarations, branch statements
and declarations. Nothing too fancy here, just the basics. Though you will need some experience
to answer these questions correctly, as there are some that take you in one direction and
try and sneak in a trick or two.
Let's see all variations they try to pull so we can be wise old catfish that never fall for the old worm on a hook trick.
Let's see all variations they try to pull so we can be wise old catfish that never fall for the old worm on a hook trick.
Loops are tested heavily on the AP exam with about 35% of the questions dealing
with for, for-each and while loops. There are questions with branch statements within a loop and
even loops within a loop. After some practice, you'll be relieved to see these types of problems
as they are generally fairly straightforward.
Here's where things take a turn towards the complicated end. Every year, even I need
to refresh myself on all the in's and out's of the Java compiler. Objects and classes
tests your ability to determine where the compiler will, or will not, output an error.
There are quite a few questions where you will need to know exactly which line of code
will compile, which will not, and for what reason.
Let's take some time to familiarize ourselves with these intricacies.
Let's take some time to familiarize ourselves with these intricacies.
Recursion is simply a method that calls itself. This can lead to
code that executes a seemingly endless series of statements which I refer
to as black holes. Black holes are problems that take the better part of
15 minutes to complete. In this section, we will learn how to identify
recursive problems so that we can
attack them in an appropriate manner.
Let's jump into this new territory right away.
Let's jump into this new territory right away.